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  • What is a Cooperative? Why would I join one?
    A cooperative is defined in the Statement on the Cooperative Identity as an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly owned and democratically controlled enterprise. Basically, it is a company owned by the people who benefit from the company. In the case of THCC, that means the venue workers, the artists, musicians, promoters, and technicians who make things happen there, and the heavy music community as a whole. We formed THCC as a cooperative because we wanted the thing we created to be owned and operated by the whole community, not just a few people. There are lots of reasons that someone would want to joint a cooperative. For us, the big appeal is being the part-owner of a business whose primary goal is creating and cultivating our heavy music community. There is also a financial benefit, as member-owners of all types are entitled to a share of THCC’s profit each year. We also intend to offer special events, promotions, and perks available to THCC members. Since ThCC will be governed democratically by its members, you as a new member have as much say over what it ultimately becomes as any of us.
  • What are the different Member Classes?
    There are three different member classes. - Community Owners - Creative Owners - Worker Owners
  • What is a Community Owner?
    A Community Owner is a member of the community who purchases a share of THCC. All Member Owners have: One share in THCC One vote in THCC Elections and Votes brought to the general owner community A share of the Community Owner pool of a distribution (33% of the total distribution) based on your THCC Points The ability to run for the Board of Directors The ability to change your membership to Creative Owner or Worker Owner Access to the THCC Discord: Access to exclusive member channels, access to The Board Category to weigh in on the decisions facing the coop. To become a Community Owner, click the button below.
  • What is a Creative Owner?
    A Creative Owner is first a member-owner who contributes to THCC in a creative capacity, whether that is as a musician, a promoter, a sound tech, a visual artist, or something else entirely. To become a Creative Owner; a member-owner must join THCC as a Community Owner and participate in one creative event per fiscal year. Creative Owners have generally the same benefits as member-owners, but are entitled to a share of the Creative Owner pool of a distribution (33% of the total distribution). This sets aside a share of THCC’s total profits for the people who contribute creatively to the cooperative. Creative Owners may also vote in the case of a special vote of creative members.
  • What is a Worker Owner?
    A Worker Owner is an employee who is also a co-owner of THCC. To become a worker owner, an employee must complete a probationary period of 240 hours of work. Existing member-owners can become worker-owners if they become employees of THCC. In addition to their wages and benefits, THCC worker-owners also divide 33% of the cooperative’s total distribution between them and enjoy all the benefits of other THCC member-owners. They are also entitled to participate democratically in operating the venue.
  • How much does a membership share cost?
    All memberships cost $150. You can elect to do a payment plan of $26 over 6 months.
  • What happens if I cancel my membership?
    You will receive the value of one share of THCC, $150.
  • Can I own more than one share of THCC?
    No. You may only own one share of THCC. A share of THCC entitles you to a vote on important coop decisions, and it is important that we follow the principle of one person, one vote. If you wish to invest in THCC beyond the initial amount, you may be able to do so through donations or member loans, but you will still only be entitled to a single vote. Only natural humans are allowed to own a share of THCC. From Wikipedia: In jurisprudence, a natural person (also physical person, or natural entity) is a person (in legal meaning, i.e., one who has its own legal personality) that is an individual human being, distinguished from the broader category of a legal person, which may be a private (i.e., business entity or non-governmental organization) or public (i.e., government) organization.
  • What are distributions?
    Distributions are a share of the profits from THCC. When profits allow and it is authorized by the board, THCC will distribute profits to all active member-owners. Distributions are split equally between the different member-owner classes, and then to member-owners in those classes based on their THCC Points. The three member-owner classes are Community Owner, Creative Owner, and Worker Owner. You are entitled to distributions if you are a member in good standing at the end of the fiscal year.
  • What are THCC Points?
    THCC Points are THCC's patronage program. You can gain THCC Points by contributing to THCC in different ways. The policy for earning THCC points is currently being developed, but broadly, you earn points by participating in, or contributing to, activities at THCC. This could include activities such as attending shows, playing shows, booking shows, working a shift as an employee, volunteering, etc. THCC Points will determine the share you receive of the distribution pool you are in.
  • How are distributions paid?
    Distribution payment methods will be decided by the board prior to our first distribution.
  • Will I get a share of distributions if I'm on a payment plan?
    Member-owners are eligible for a share of the distribution provided that their membership share is paid in full before the end of THCC's fiscal year. Members who are still in the process of paying for their membership share will not be eligible for a share of the distribution.
  • When does the THCC Fiscal Year end?
    The THCC fiscal year ends on February 28
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©2023 by The Heavy Culture Cooperative

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